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Free Web Design Tools For Beginners

Free Web Design Tools For Beginners

Want to start your own website but don’t want to pay $800 for somebody else to do it? Then you’re in luck because there are free web design tools for beginners. These are software, utilities and generators for just about every phase of web designing. Here is a survey of some of the free tools at your disposal.

Free Web Design Tools

Color Scheme Generators. Are you having a hard time deciding what colors to use for your web site? Try online color combination generators. Getting a color theme is essential to achieving a unified look to your site. It is also an easy way to find matching (i.e. complementary) colors. Some shades just don’t go well with others, you know. Other color-related tools let you pick colors from the screen (color pickers), or convert a color hue into hex format so you can insert it manually into your code.

HTML Validators. Want to make sure that your website code is fully compliant with standards? You can use free web design tools that can check your code for errors. This will help ensure your website works properly.

Clipart. Need graphics but can’t even draw a line? Grab free clipart. There is no end to free web design tools like this out there, though they vary in quality. Usually all they ask is a link back to their site.

Fonts. There are two ways to use fonts on your website. You can install them on your system and use them as font styles in your pages, which case people would need to have the same fonts installed on their computers. Or you can use the fonts in your graphics and save them as graphic files for banners, titles and buttons.

Web space. This is perhaps the oldest type of free web design tools. Even though the prices of web space hosting may have gone down, you may still want the totally free hosting packages. Note however, that many free hosting servers prohibit commercial use. If you’re an internet marketer, this option may not be available to you.

Domain name. Yes, believe it or not, there are some free domain name hosting services around.
The drawback is you don’t get the name registered as yours; it is maintained by the server. But that can be a good thing if you want to remain anonymous.

Web design templates. The ultimate in free web design tools. If you need a site up and running ASAP, download a finished template and start editing. You will have to make the content and maybe some graphics, but the basic coding for the home page and supporting pages will be there already.

These are just some of the free web design tools you can find. In spite of what many over-priced web designers and software vendors tell you, you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on these things. You can have just about all you need either free or at very affordable prices. Find a good web design portal with quality services like those listed above and you’ll see what we mean.